The Battle for Public Opinion in Europe

Publisher MEMO Publishers
Published March 01, 2012
Paperback 316 Pages
Language English
ISBN 978-1907433139

A timely, revealing and important book which analyses the incongruity between European public opinion and perceptions of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, and the kind of blind political, economic and cultural support European governments afford the Israeli state.

Pivotal events in recent years such as the Gaza War (2008/9) have allowed increasing numbers of Europeans to see through mainstream media and government smokescreens regarding the Israel–Palestine conflict. In 2011 a pioneering study was commissioned to gauge resulting changes in public perceptions of the conflict in six European countries. ‘The Battle for Public Opinion’ analyses and contextualizes the results of that study providing a clear backdrop to the pertinent issues alongside forward-looking thoughts and recommendations for action.

With contributions from international experts and specialists in their field, including Ilan Pappe, Tim Llewellyn and Maria Holt, it also brings credible and unique insights to bear on how and why public opinion in Europe should be, and is, changing regarding the conflict and the consequences these changes might be expected to have on European policy-making.

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Edited by


Ibrahim Hewitt

Ibrahim Hewitt is a well-known British political and social commentator, author, educator and humanitarian and human rights activist. He is a regular visitor to the Middle East, particularly Palestinian refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon and Jordan. In 2011 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Islamic University of Gaza for his support...

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Dr Daud Abdullah

Daud Abdullah is a well-known British academic, and political and social commentator. He writes and lectures on issues relating to Middle Eastern and British politics, Islam, and Muslim-Western relations. Dr Abdullah received his BA in history from the University of Guyana in 1981 before completing a PhD in History at the University of Khartoum in...

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About the Author


Dr Corinna Mullin

Corinna Mullin is a lecturer and an ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Politics and International Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). The principal aim of her current research in comparative international political theory is to examine the potential epistemological and ideological challenges posed by Islamist movements to the Western understanding of...

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Dr Azzam Tamimi

Azzam Tamimi is an outspoken and well-known British Palestinian academic and political activist. He writes and lectures on issues relating to Islamic political thought and Middle Eastern politics. Dr Tamimi received his BSc in Combined Sciences from the University of Sunderland in 1979, before completing a PhD in Political Theory from the University of Westminster...

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Dr Daud Abdullah

Daud Abdullah is a well-known British academic, and political and social commentator. He writes and lectures on issues relating to Middle Eastern and British politics, Islam, and Muslim-Western relations. Dr Abdullah received his BA in history from the University of Guyana in 1981 before completing a PhD in History at the University of Khartoum in...

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Dr Robert Lambert

Robert Lambert is a well-known academic and operational counter-terrorism expert. His research interests are community-based approaches to counter-terrorism and Islamophobia. He has had long involvement in pioneering counter-terrorism community engagement projects and has received accolades for his various works in support of Muslim community groups facing Islamophobic attacks. In 2008, he was awarded an MBE...

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Dr Maria Holt

Maria Holt is a well-known academic and lobbyist with a long involvement with Middle Eastern issues. Her research interests include the effect of violent conflict on Middle Eastern women, the Arab-Israeli conflict, Muslim communities in the UK, Islamic political movements in the Middle East, and the final years of the British colonial period in southern...

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